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Let Them Eat Cake!

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche!” Let them eat cake! I don't know who said it...maybe Marie Antoinette...maybe some other monarch. One thing for sure, this morning I am the orator of this famous quote!

As I entered the building this morning, I saw the beautiful ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. passing out pretty pink cupcakes in celebration of their founders day. I immediately took a B-line into the front office in order to avoid the temptation. Crisis AVERTED!!

I got settled in at my desk, answered some calls, helped a few visitors...the usual. That's when it happened. My favorite AKA came to my desk with a gigantic box guessed it...PINK CUPCAKES! She passed them out to every staff member and was certainly not going to leave me out of the festivities. I gladly accepted my treat and thanked them for their thoughtfulness.

I sat the cupcake on my desk and stared at it intently. Then, I asked myself a series of pertinent questions.

1. Is this cupcake going to get you any closer to your goals of losing 200lbs. Nope.

2. Can this cupcake send you into Binge City (an actual place, by the way) where you are allowed to eat 10 more pretty pink cupcakes in a row? Yep.

3. Will I feel any better, fuller, healthier after eating this cupcake? Nope. (Quite the opposite worse, hungrier, and absolutely LESS HEALTHY!)

In a slight panic, I asked a few coworkers did they want to partake in the pretty pastry...none of them obliged. Then I offered them to another friend who said she had two on her desk that she was trying to give away. What she said next was nothing short of the voice of the Lord speaking. If I wasn't in tune, I would've missed it. She said, "I am going to give mine to my student aids."

You just laughed. I heard you laugh. You think that it is silly to think that God said give the cake to the children, but to me, it was divine intervention. My student aid had literally just sat down as she was saying those words. I looked at my student aid and said, would you like a pretty pink cupcake, and she responded, "Yes ma'am, I would."

As I handed her the cupcake I said, "Thank you Jesus!" When I am tempted, he will give me a way of escape. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Everyone is not trying to lose weight or eat healthy. Some people can eat whatever they want and never gain a pound..or they just climb it off on the stairmaster to nowhere. Who cares! All I know is that I have to "Let THEM Eat Cake!" Cause I surely cannot!

I love you and I mean it!

NettieBee...2.0 🐝

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