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Losing Weight Also Means Laying Down Weight

Have you ever met someone that always seems to be angry or upset about something? They go through life frowning, complaining, griping, and moaning every single day of the week. They are discontent with their life, their family, their weight, their finances, their job, their spouse, their hair, their dog.....their goldfish! They are just completely and utterly dissatisfied with the hand that they have been dealt.

You may know this person, and then again, this person could be you. If so, it's time to ask yourself a very important question. Why am I mad as HELL?? The answer can only be found inside of you. Begin to ask yourself a series of questions and try your best to answer them truthfully. This process will begin a journey of self discovery and reNEWal of your mind.

Question # 1: What happened to you?

I'm sure you're thinking, "A lot has happened to me." Of course it has, you lost teeth, you fell of your bike, you even moved away from home. Sure, these are things that happened in your life, but what happened to you that set your life on a negative course? For me it was learning that my father was a child molester. It was the most confusing, hurtful, and saddening thing that I could never have the words to describe.

Question #2: How did you cope with what happened to you?

When you began to feel the emotional impact of what you dealt with in your youth? How did you begin to feel better? Did you begin writing in a journal to get your emotions out? Did you bottle your emotions? (Found something useful to put in those Crown Royal bottles??) Did you bury yourself in your academic studies? Personally, I did all three of the things listed here and MORE! Whatever I could think of that was sure to enrage my parents, I did it.

(Naa naa naa naa naaaaa! I just got high and almost died! That will sock it to them, right?!!)

Question #3: When did you realize that your normal wasn't "NORMAL"?

At some point, you realize that people are smiling and living productive lives all around you and you're....well, not. That is the time when all of that emotion begins rushing to the forefront and takes you hostage on the biggest, baddest, loopiest roller coaster ride and you can't even PAY to get off.

Now, sadness turns to anger, frustration turns to bitterness, and pain turns to unforgiveness. Your emotional cup is full to the brim with junk. It's stained in, caked on, crusted around, and packed down with emotions and feelings that are hazardous to your spiritual health. The truth is, you're about one circumstance away from one of two things. BREAKING DOWN OR BLOWING UP!

Good news!!! There is hope for your situation, and His name is Jesus! I was angry, bitter, frustrated, and MAD AS HELL! Nobody deserved to be on the receiving end of my tongue lashings nor did they deserve to sit through my pity parties. I felt discontent and unloved, but Jesus! His display of love and sacrifice on Calvary's Cross was nothing short of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE! It didn't matter what "condition" man was in, He went willingly and laid down His life for my sins and your sins. And the sins of any person that has wronged you as well.

It is time to take this opportunity to get free. Romans 10:9 states that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised His Son from the dead, then thou shalt be saved. You can have true freedom from unforgiveness, freedom from pain, freedom from anger and bitterness, and freedom from past hurts. Repeat this prayer aloud:

"Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."

Now that you have received your forgiveness, it is time to forgive the person that hurt you. Tell them aloud:

"_______________ I forgive you with my whole heart, just as Christ has forgiven me. What the enemy meant for evil, God will turn it around and use it for my good. I am no longer a victim, but a VICTOR. I pray that you will ask God's forgiveness in your life, so that you can be free as well."

Finally, you have received forgiveness from Our Father, and you have forgiven your offender. Now, forgive yourself. It wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything to deserve such treatment. You are worthy of true love and affection. Forgive yourself for bad decisions you made. Forgive yourself for hurting others because you were hurt. Forgive yourself for not reacting when you probably should have. Forgive yourself for EVERYTHING!!

The Word of God states: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17) Now isn't that good news!

Today, I welcome you to your new NORMAL!

Love and Peace!

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