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Love Lanes

When a person is born, they are poised for a future full of love, happiness and joy...but then life happens. Their collective circumstances and experiences involuntarily create boundaries and “deal breakers” when it comes to love.

We proudly boast that we can love anyone without strings attached, but the truth is, people have an unspoken “if/then complex”. IF you stay within these parameters, THEN (and only then) you are deemed worthy to receive my love.

We say that love is unconditional, but the first time someone operates or swerves outside of our unspoken “love lanes” those non-existent, invisible strings instantly appear. We in essence say, 🎶“I will do anything for love…but I won’t do that.”🎶

Trials and unfortunate events in relationships are great at gauging our love lanes. While all is well, it’s easy to say, I’ll never leave. I’m here FOREVER! But when one person behaves in a less than perfect manner, those “forevers” quickly become “I could nevers”.

Let’s be honest. OUR love is fair weather at best. Yet, we desire to BE loved through thick and thin, through the fire, to the limit, from the windows to the walls! We want to receive the very thing that we are not willing to give. Can somebody say with a little churchy voice, “But God!” (Yesss!! Just like that! 🙌🏾)

Our Father, who art in heaven, is not like us! Glory! (#ChurchVoice) He loves without a limit! Yes, I sang that like Mary J. 😁

He (God), although we are dirty and sometimes low down, continues to love us without any strings attached. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that he doesn’t cut me off when I swerve outside of his Love Lanes. He just gently guides me back to the path that he has planned for me. You know the one…joy, hope, future, expected end. Yeah, the narrow, yet preferred path.

Let’s make a commitment to take a page from Our Father’s book and love outside of our comfort zones and our love lanes. Cut the invisible strings. Get delivered from the IF/THEN Complex, and be like the ONE in whom we were created to look like…AND ultimately be like.

Love and blessings!

NettieBee 🐝

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