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5 Weight Loss Lies To Unlearn...TODAY!!

I have probably read like...a HUNDRED articles concerning dieting and ways to accelerate weight loss. Honestly, each article seemed to be plagiary of the previous one. As I pondered upon these weight loss "tips" I came to a disturbing conclusion: Somebody is lying somewhere!

People all around me are losing weight at amazing rates but I know for a fact that they didn't do so by eating whatever they want to moderation. NO, they had to sacrifice some yummy treats and some favorite snacks in order to get these results. They worked out, they ate clean, they made up their mind that they could actually live without some of the things they once thought they could never live without!

So, I decided to write an ANTI-Article to the whole catchy "weight-loss tips" trend. Wanna hear it?? Here it go!

Five Weight Loss Lies to UNLEARN...Today!

1. Losing Weight Gets Easier Over Time. Lies, Lies, ALL LIES! If it is difficult for you now, then more than likely it isn't going to get any easier. You may have less resentment towards your daily salad, but it won't magically turn into loaded nachos after 6 months. Just work the process day by day. Wrestle down the negative thoughts and make them behave. It isn't was never easy, but it is doable.

2. The Less You Eat, The Faster You Lose Weight.

Guess what, if you're starving, you are going to be more prone to EAT! DUHHH!!! Hungry people eat! That's what we do! And if you are eating the bare minimum, then your starving body will begin to store up all of your food for hard times. Similar to a chipmunk storing nuts for the winter, or a bear packing on the pounds before hibernation. Do you know what a pre-hibernating bear looks like? I'm pretty sure that's not the figure you're going for.

3. You Can Be Successful On a "No-Carb" Diet.

Now this one is a biggie. I love low-carb and keto style diets, but I absolutely abhor when I hear someone say, "Oh, I'm not eating carbs." I look at them a little sideways thinking, so you're on that protein only plan. huh??? Yeah, that's I roll my eyes so hard that I nod off in the process. If you're not eating protein only, then in some way, shape, form, or fashion you're eating CARBS. They may be leafy, fruity, whole grainy, or otherwise; but nevertheless, CARBS. Stop it! I mean it!! No carb diet...(Insert side eye emoji here).

4. A Small Amount of Sugar is of No Consequence.

For the vast majority of people who struggle with weight, sugar is literally the devil! We need to avoid white sugar like the plague. It has been proven that sugar is highly 10x worse than cocaine and heroine. Like I have said before, no one does a little crack or cocaine. So I suppose it is safe to say that most sugar addicts don't eat a little sugar. I hear you saying, "I'm not addicted to sugar, NettieBee." Well I say, YES YOU ARE! You just don't know it. If you weren't then I wouldn't be trying to convince you that you should probably stop eating it. Repeat after me, "Sugar is bad, mmmkay."

5. You Must Work Out 45-60 Minutes Per Day.

Working out will accelerate your weight loss. There is no doubt about that, but the jury is still out on just how long is required. It kinda depends on the person doing the workout. Take me for instance. I can walk for 20 minutes and burn just as many calories as Skinny Sue who worked out for 45 minutes. It is not about the length of the workout, it is about starting a sustainable workout regiment...and sticking to it. Then you can gradually increase it to a level that is more challenging than the last level. Personally, I'm not going to anyone's spin class or circuit training situation....NOPE..Not NettieBee. Me and Leslie Sansone will be "Walking Off Weight" right here in the privacy of my bedroom!

Honestly Guys, the entire process of changing your health begins in the mind. You first have to believe you can accomplish your goals. If you don't believe in you, then you will ultimately fail yourself. Then once you have the confidence (faith) that you can do what you have set your mind to do, only then will you begin putting practices in place that will advance your health and help you lose the weight once and for all. Remember, with God, all things are possible. Renew your mind...change your life.

I love you...I mean it!

NettieBee...2.0 🐝

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