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All The Kings Horses & All The Kings Men

Couldn't put Nettie back together again...

Maybe you didn't have a great fall, but you still find yourself broken. You've tried tape. You've tried glue. You've tried nearly everything to pull it together, but you're still in a million, bazillion pieces.

There will come a time when you realize that no one can help you be whole again. Not those you hold in high esteem. Not your regular go-to guy or gal. No one. In that time of helplessness, look to the King. He can mend your heart. He can heal your soul.

Only He can put you back together again. Take it from Mrs. Dumpty herself. I was sitting on my wall...chillin when I found myself in a precarious position. Face down. SPLAT! (Insert Batman graphic here) --->

I now know that the semblance of wholeness that I achieved through people was very short lived. I needed the King Himself to bring it all back together again. No matter what you are trying to accomplish. Whether it is weight loss related or otherwise, you can't get there in pieces. At the end of the day...some assembly is required. It's time to be whole again.

Let's do it together.

I love you...I really do!

NettieBee...2.0 🐝

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