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Taking Punches but No L's

Cue Rocky theme music....Horns blasting! Dunnunuuuunn dunnununnnnn!! Do you here the music building? You know what that means, right?? Something amazing is about to happen! Dunnunuuuunn dunnununnnnn!

Here you come in your shiny robe, air boxing to the music. You're ready for a new year and a new you. You step into the ring with full confidence and determination to kick obesity's butt once and for all. In this corner, the heaviest weight champion of the universe, "Obesityyyy!"

You give your opponent a fearless stair as the referee gives the rules. Silently you say to's time to fight for your life.

January is Round 1. You come out swinging hard and kicking butt. You block a couple of hard rights, and duck a wild few wild lefts but you keep on fighting. You're the clear winner of the round.

Round 2 starts in February and boy oh boy. You have you've taken some pretty hard punches, but thankfully, it only slows you down for a second. You spring right back up ready to keep going.

Now here comes March (Round 3)...Your opponent. Your rival. Your nemesis has pounded you terribly with a one-two combo and a devastating chin shot. Now you're down...and almost out.

You can hear the ref counting out loud. 1.....2.....3.....4. You blink a few times as you regain consciousness. You're laid out flat on the mat....5.....6..... You collect yourself and try to get your footing, but you're all discombobulated and disoriented. Ref keeps counting...7.... wait!!!!!! Are you going to lose this battle on a technicality?? Really??? Wake UP!!!!!!!!!!

Get yourself together and fight! Dunnunuuuunn dunnununnnnn...8.... You finally come back to full consciousness. You see everyone on the sidelines watching. Some are for you...and some are betting against you. The ref looks into your eyes and asks, "Are you ok to keep going?"

Here's your chance. Bow out now...or keep going for the full twelve rounds. Are you going to give up just because you got knocked down? Really?? Rocky Balboa said it best:

"You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits..."

Stop and ask yourself this question: "What am I worth?" Now, let me give you an honest answer. You're invaluable! There is no amount of money or wealth that could provide the world with another you, so why not spend the time you have preserving your most valuable asset.

Like my boy Rocky said...Life hits hard but we gotta keep moving. Look that ref straight in the eyes and say, "I'm ready to keep fighting!" DO NOT GIVE UP!! Three rounds down...nine more to go. #YouGotThis #YouAreAWinner #WeAreTakingNoLs

I love you Guys!

NettieBee...2.0 🐝 (#Winning)

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